White Tank Mountains Regional Park, Day 2

After breakfast, we headed off for a day of shopping.
First stop was Trader Joe's to pick up some Two-Buck Chuck (Charles Shaw), and some of my favorite cereal (it's almost the only place I ever find it).
We then decided that, since we were in the northwest area of the Valley, we'd go to the Costco up on 83rd, north of Bell. On our way, we stopped at PetsMart to get a new name tag for Maxx...his other one was inadvertently thrown away when we threw away his old harness when it broke...and to get gas for the Honda.
We missed the turnoff for Costco, but just beyond was a Sam's Club, so we decided to stop there instead of making our way back to Costco...Christmas traffic being what it was.
After shopping at Sam's Club, we had lunch at Wendy's, and then did grocery shopping at the Safeway near there.
What a day...the traffic was unbelievable! We later learned that there is a Trader Joe's in Sun City (West?) which would have been much closer and easier to get to than the one we went to located on the outer loop of MetroCenter Mall.
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