Hummingbirds & Other Critters

We put out a hummingbird feeder at each park we go to. At most of the New Mexico state parks we've been to so far, we've attracted only Black-chinned hummingbirds, although at Coyote Creek, we also had some Rufous hummingbirds.
We put out our feeder yesterday shortly after we arrived, and today we've noted Rufous, Calliope, and Broadtail far, no Black-chinned. This is the first time we've ever seen a Calliope male (we think we saw a female at Medicine Lake Campground in the Modoc National Forest back in 2005, but never saw a male to confirm that sighting). It's lots of fun to sit outside and watch them chasing each other away from the feeder!
There was also a family of wild turkeys that came through our site...three adults (one male and two females) and a whole gaggle of little ones. I didn't get a really good picture of them because I was inside shooting through the window.
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