Maxx Hylton -- RIP -- 8.18.95 to 10.7.10

Yesterday was a sad day in the Hylton household. After 15 years brightening our lives, the time came when we had to have Maxx put down.
We knew the time was coming: He'd had Valley Fever since 2006, although he was doing really well on the Fluconozole prescribed for it. Other than being almost totally blind, Maxx was doing pretty well considering his age...especially when he went out for a walk (always one of his most favorite things to do, other than napping), he bounced along as though he were a much younger dog. He did have a bit of a problem in the last few months of being steady on his feet, particularly when he'd been laying down for awhile.
However, on Wednesday morning, we woke up and could tell the time had come. If Earl had not already had an appointment with the surgeon who had done his prostate biopsy, we would have taken Maxx to the vet then. On Thursday morning, we called the vet nearest to us and made an appointment with them to have Maxx euthanized. We were given a chance to say goodbye to him in the privacy of one of the rooms, and then we left...we thought about staying, but it would have been too hard on us to watch him pass from this world. As it was, it was one of the most difficult things we've had to do (as it has been with all of our beloved pets).
I've prepared a separate blog for Maxx with lots of pictures taken throughout his life. It can be found at:
We knew the time was coming: He'd had Valley Fever since 2006, although he was doing really well on the Fluconozole prescribed for it. Other than being almost totally blind, Maxx was doing pretty well considering his age...especially when he went out for a walk (always one of his most favorite things to do, other than napping), he bounced along as though he were a much younger dog. He did have a bit of a problem in the last few months of being steady on his feet, particularly when he'd been laying down for awhile.
However, on Wednesday morning, we woke up and could tell the time had come. If Earl had not already had an appointment with the surgeon who had done his prostate biopsy, we would have taken Maxx to the vet then. On Thursday morning, we called the vet nearest to us and made an appointment with them to have Maxx euthanized. We were given a chance to say goodbye to him in the privacy of one of the rooms, and then we left...we thought about staying, but it would have been too hard on us to watch him pass from this world. As it was, it was one of the most difficult things we've had to do (as it has been with all of our beloved pets).
I've prepared a separate blog for Maxx with lots of pictures taken throughout his life. It can be found at:
Sorry to hear your sad news (and, catching up, about your rough month all round). Those critters do leave a vast hole in our lives. Savor the memories. :)
Earl and Linda
We’re both so sorry to hear about Maxx, but understand that when it is time, it's time.
He was a great dog and we will remember him fondly
I just found your blog and read of Maxx's passing.
It deeply saddens me, on December 11 will be a year to the day that I had to take my "best Buddy", The Peanut for his last trip to the vet.
I stayed with him until the end and cried like a baby, I'm a 59 year old man.
I wanted to roll up my sleeve and go next, it hurt that bad. It still does although we have two others.
He had Lymphoma, we kept him too long (it was for us, not him) and it had to be but it sure was and is tough.
Cherish your memories of Maxx and just think of how much better your life has been because of him and how much better off he is now.
Butch and Fonda Williams (along with Rascal and Daffy)
I just came across your blog.
Very sorry to see your loss of Maxx and am happy that you found another pup to love. I lost my buddy Andy in 2002. I'm a man and I too cried like a baby at age 66. I still miss him today. He was also a "Tri" and stuck to me like glue. At the time, I said that Andy was our last but that only lasted 10 days. We found a sweet little girl in Superior, Wisconsin and drove 10 hours to get her. She's a Red&White who loves to travel. She's our third Basenji but hopefully not our last.
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