Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007

First Military Airbase.
Just across the highway from this point, the U.S. Army established in 1916 its first operational airbase in the United States. It used several cloth-coated biplanes in its unsuccessful Punitive Expedition against Mexican General Francisco (Pancho) Villa after his forces raided this area.

The first grease rack installed to service United States Army automotive equipment engaged in field operations. The U.S. Army used motorized transport for the first time in the 1916 Punitive Expedition staged from this point against Mexican General Francisco (Pancho) Villa and his troops. It dispatched civilian drivers here to teach the soldiers how to operate and service the trucks. On occasion, and far distant from this base of operation, the trucks received fuel transported by pack animals.
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Archibald Douglass Frost, his wife Mary Alice and their 6-month-old son fled Columbus in this Dodge Touring Car during the Pancho Villa raid. Mr. Frost was shot twice, and the vehicle was sprayed with gunfire as they sped through Columbus towards Deming. Mary Alice, an inexperienced driver, had to take the wheel on several occasions. The three arrived in Deming and, upon examining the Dodge, they found numerous bullet holes, including two through the driver’s seat. Frost carried one of the bullets in his body for the rest of his life.

Friday, December 21, 2007
Palomas, Mexico
We wandered around the Pink Store before having lunch...it looks as though they've expanded the store since we were last there. After having an excellent lunch, we bought a few items we'd spotted in our tour around the store (some light-weight "do-dads" for decorating the RV), before heading to the Del Rio Superettes to buy a couple of bottles of liquor (Jose Cuervo Especial Tequila and Kahlua).
Crossing back over into the U.S., was easy...no passports yet required...although we did have to show our driver's licenses, something we haven't had to do in the past (although the last time we were here was before 2001).
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Pancho Villa State Park

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Dreamcatchers RV Park
GPS coordinates: N 32° 16.393' / W 107° 42.675'
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Birds at Rockhound State Park

In addition to the Scaled Quail, we've also seen some Gambel's Quail...in fact, they were around our site at the same time as the Scaled Quail.
Spring Canyon

Friday, December 07, 2007
Rockhound State Park

We stopped at the Flying J in Lordsburg, New Mexico to fill up with diesel ($3.169 per gallon) and to have lunch.
We arrived at Rockhound State Park southeast of Deming around 2:00 PM and stopped at the Visitor's Center to find out where we could fill up with fresh water. That's when we found out that each of the electrical sites also have fresh water (which was not indicated on the park's map).
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
The first place we went to was the Rex Allen Arizona Cowboy Museum. Rex Allen was born and raised in Willcox. The museum is located in one of Willcox's oldest commercial buildings, built in the early 1890's, and originally operated as the Schley Saloon from 1897-1919. When prohibition came along, the building became a grocery store.
We then headed off to Stout's Cider Mill, famous for their apple pies and cider (their largest pies are made from 10 pounds of apples!). Of course, we had to buy one of their pies (a small one), some cider, and some Mesquite/Catclaw honey. (And, since we had to do some grocery shopping anyway, we just had to buy some vanilla ice cream to go with the apple pie!)
Monday, December 03, 2007
Willcox Elks Lodge

We then stopped in Benson to have lunch at the Apple Farm before heading off to Willcox where we are going to spend a couple of days at the Elks Lodge.
Miles driven: 217.2
GPS coordinates: N 32° 15.142' / W 109° 49.633'
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Gila Bend Elks Lodge
We stopped in Salome (actually, Exit 45 on I-10) to have lunch at the Cactus Grill. Tonight, we're spending at the Elks Lodge in Gila Bend. So far, there's only one other RV here, but that might change as the evening wears on.
Miles driven: 131.4
GPS coordinates: N 32° 57.150' / W 112° 41.799'