Rocky Mountain Canada goldenrod
Solidago lepida
Solidago lepida
Ow! Ow! Ow!
I'm in pain after spending Tuesday unloading stuff from the camper to the fifth wheel. Up and down the camper steps; up and down the fifth wheel steps...over and over again. I have problems with my hip hurting, anyway, but a whole day spent going up and down steps just exacerbates the problem. Wish I had a hot tub to soak in! Even though we have a lot of duplicates, it's amazing how much stuff still has to be transferred back and forth...mainly food, clothing, and toiletries.
After getting stuff transferred, we dropped the camper from the truck in the space to which we were assigned and took off to Ken & Joanne's place to pick up our fifth wheel hitch. Once installed, we went back to storage to pick up the fifth wheel and take it over to La Grande Rendezvous RV Resort.
On Wednesday, we went back to storage to winterize the camper. Before we could start, Earl discovered that we didn't have the right size socket wrench with which to take out the anode rod from the water heater so it could be drained, so we hopped back in the truck to find an auto center where we could buy one. We finally found a Napa store, go the socket wrench and went back to storage. We finally got the camper winterized...the first time we've ever had to winterize any RV we've owned, but it was a pretty simple job.
After completing the winterization, we went back out to Ken & Joanne's place to pick up the rest of our stuff and then went back to the RV park to relax (except Earl had to secure the generators into the bed of the truck).
This morning, after leaving the RV park, we went by Wal-Mart to pick up groceries and then headed back to Baker City to pick up the stuff we'd left at the truck & RV wash when we were there on Sunday. While there, we had the fifth wheel washed.
We're currently at Hilgard Junction State Park for the night.
Hi fellow travelers,
We are full-timers too. Have been for over 10 years. We come up to NW Washington in the summer and spend our winters in Quartzsite boondocking on the BLM land at LaPosa West. Love Q in the winter, don't in the summer.
What a cool way to keep a log! Not only you, but your friends and family as well.
Have a great winter, stay warm and healthy and most of all "Save Travels."
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