Centaurea stoebe
Monday morning, we had breakfast at the Tillamook Cheese Factory and then took a self-guided tour of the factory. It was fascinating to stand above the factory floor and watch all the cheese being cut, wrapped, and boxed.
Afterward, we went by the Tillamook Sporting Goods to pick up one of the items we'd tried to find at Camping World (a stove top toaster). We then got groceries and diesel ($2.769) at Fred Meyer.
On Tuesday, we stopped at Mo's in Tolovana Park to have lunch (a trip to the Oregon Coast would simply not be complete without stopping at Mo's for clam chowder!) and then continued north to Fort Stevens State Park.
This park has electric and water hookups (and apparently some full hookups sites, too). We picked out a spot where we thought we'd be able to get our roof-mounted satellite TV antenna tuned in, but we misjudged...we weren't certain of the exact azimuth and it turned out that one tree was in our way. The bigger problem, though, was that our microwave wasn't working. Now, we don't use the microwave very much, and we didn't need to use it that evening; however, when we're at a site with electric, we like to set the clock and that's when we noticed that the LCD display on the microwave wasn't working.
I posted an inquiry on the Excel Owner's Forum and got lots of suggestions about what to check. One of the people suggested that perhaps one leg of the park's 50-amp outlet wasn't hooked up, and the next day when we were boondocking and ran the generator, we found out this person had correctly diagnosed the problem because the microwave was back to working!
Wednesday night was spent at the Promised Land Recreation Area north of Humptulips, Washington (a Rayonier recreation area). Thursday night was spent at the Elks Lodge in Forks.
Yesterday we made it to the Escapees park in Chimicum where we will spend at least a week, maybe two.
Destruction Island barely visible in the background:

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